Google Chrome version 70 to address privacy issues with user sign-in, cookies

Google has announced a new version 70 of its Chrome browser that addresses privacy issues related to sign-ins and cookies pointed out the users.

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Google has announced a new version 70 of its Chrome browser that addresses privacy issues related to sign-ins and cookies pointed out the users. It brings with it a new toggle that users can turn off to not get automatically signed-in to Chrome when they sign-in to other Google services like Gmail. The update also includes an updated UI that will make it clearer when the user’s sign-in status as well as their sync state. Google Chrome version 70 will roll out starting mid-October.

Google Chrome version 70 will allow users to choose to turn-off web-based sign-in with browser-based sign-in. The search giant has introduced a toggle which gives users control over whether they want to sign-in to Chrome as well while using Google’s other services. For people who disable the feature, signing into a Google website will not sign them into Chrome. This issue was pointed out by security researcher S. Bálint in a post earlier this week. According to the researcher, the problem occurred on Chrome version 69.

In addition, users who signed-in to Chrome with the same account, will see their Google Account picture upfront in the new Chrome UI. This is supposed to make it easier for users to identify when they are logged in to Chrome. Google has made it clear that Chrome will not sync users’ data like browsing history, passwords, and bookmarks automatically when they sign-in, but only when Chrome sync is turned on.

Google, Google Chrome version 70, Chrome 70 how to install, Google Chrome privacy issues, Google Chrome 70 release, Google Chrome sign-in issue

“We think these UI changes help prevent users from inadvertently performing searches or navigating to websites that could be saved to a different user’s synced account,” Chrome Product Manager, Zach Koch said in an official blog post.

Another issue related to cookies will also be addressed in Chrome version 70. Google has said that all cookies will be deleted and users will be signed out when they choose to clear cookies. Interestingly, Christopher Tavan, who is CTO at ContentPass revealed in a tweet that cookies from Google accounts in Chrome 69 are not deleted even when users delete all cookies, which raises privacy concerns. “In the current version of Chrome, we keep the Google auth cookies to allow you to stay signed in after cookies are cleared,” reads Google’s post.
